
Samsung SDI Europe GmbH Limited liability company (LLC)

Reichenbachstr. 2

85737 Ismaning


Telephone: +49-89-929277-99923


Commercial Register

Managing Director: Dr. Bernd Martens, Jong Suk Lee

Court: District Court Munich

Register Number: HRB 200926

VAT-ID: DE279033074


Intellectual Property Rights

The content of our website is subject to copyright protection and other laws for the protection of intellectual property; in particular, information about products, materials, technologies, or processes of Samsung SDI Europe GmbH or of third parties. Furthermore, the content provided on this website is only for private use and may not be copied, disseminated, modified, or made available to third parties for commercial purposes without Samsung SDI Europe GmbH’s prior written consent.


Limitation of liability for external links

On our website, you can find links to other websites of third parties for further information. Samsung SDI Europe GmbH assumes no responsibility or liability for any content, information, products, services, or materials found on external websites. We encourage you to exercise caution, review the terms of use and privacy policies when accessing external links. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this disclaimer, please contact us through the appropriate channels provided on our website.


Liability Limiation

We deny any responsibility for any direct or indirect claims or subsequent losses that may arise from accessing or using our website.


Privacy Policy

Please refer to our privacy policy.